Dead Horse Ranch Reminder!

Hi Scouts,

We’re looking forward to a great outing at Dead Horse Ranch this weekend. We will meet at the church at 5 p.m. this Friday and plan to leave by 6 p.m. If everyone is on time, we can leave earlier. We should be back by 12 p.m. on Sunday.

See you Friday,

Parent/Committee Meeting


This is a friendly reminder that we will be holding our March Parent/Committee Meeting tomorrow, Tuesday 3/3 at 7pm in the Conference Room at the front of the CCC campus. This meeting will take place at the same time as the regular Troop meeting.

Agenda items for this meeting will include the upcoming Pancake Breakfast, along with a discussion about Summer Camp.

All parents, guardians, and leaders are welcome to attend.


Jacob R Benyi – T648 Committee Chair

Recent National Attention about the BSA filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Troop 648,

I received several questions about the recent headlines that the BSA is filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection. There is a great letter I would like to share with you from the Grand Canyon Council CEO, Andy Price.

Today, the national organization of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy to achieve two key objectives: equitably compensate victims who were harmed during their time in Scouting and continue to carry out Scouting’s mission for years to come.

 I want to highlight important points that are most relevant to Grand Canyon Council:

  • Grand Canyon Council has not filed for bankruptcy. Our Council is legally separate, distinct and financially independent from the national organization.
  • Scouting programs will continue. This means that unit meetings and activities, district and council events, other Scouting adventures and countless service projects will take place as usual. In short, we expect no changes to the local Scouting experience in the state of Arizona.
  • Scouting is safer now than ever before. Over many years, we’ve developed some of the strongest expert-informed youth protection policies found in any youth-serving organization. I can also assure you that our volunteers and employees take youth protection extremely seriously and do their part to help keep kids safe.
  • Restricted donations – past, present or future – can only be used for their designated purpose. In addition, Friends of Scouting (FOS) and other annual donations made to our Council will continue to fund necessary day-to-day expenses that are critical to local Scouting programs.

While we do not anticipate the national organization’s bankruptcy filing will have any direct impact on the local Scouting experience or your involvement with our Council, I understand you may still have questions about these issues and things you will see in the news. To that end, the national organization has established a dedicated restructuring website,

This site includes a helpful Resources page, where you will find a short video explaining what Chapter 11 means for Scouting, as well as a FAQ. The site’s Milestones page will be your best source for the latest updates throughout this process. 

If you have any questions about local Scouting, you can always feel free to reach out directly to me or your usual contact within our Council. 

Through your engagement and dedication to Scouting, Grand Canyon Council will continue to bring adventures, values and lifelong benefits to youth and our communities for generations to come. Thank you for your trust and support as we continue this important mission.

The bottom line is that the day to day operations of our Troop and the Leadership’s dedication to fun, growth and safety of our Troop is as strong as before. There will be no change to how we currently do business as a Troop. Please let me or Jacob Benyi know if you have any further questions about this.

Here’s another link that may also explain it well for those that want more info:

Mr Blair

Scoutmaster Troop 648

Next Week’s Court of Honor (COH)

Thank you again to all the adults and Leaders who rallied last night in order to complete 4 Boards of Review. The Scouts are certainly lucky to have such a dedicated team of Leaders and Mentors. Just a quick reminder that the COH will be next week in the Chapel. Please sign up on Scoutbook and under comments please list a small snack or drink that you will be able to bring. See everyone next week.

Mr Blair

2020 Pancake Breakfast

Dear Troop 648 Scout Families:

It’s that time of year!  While it is only February, April 25th will be here before you know it!  For those of you new to the troop, this means our Annual Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction – Troop 648’s largest fundraiser of the year.  The Scouts really need your help and support to make this a success.  

Date:                 Saturday, April 25, 2020

Time:              7:00 am – 10:30 am

Location:      Chaparral Christian Church

                             6451 E. Shea Boulevard

                             Scottsdale, AZ

We all know that “many hands make for light work!” 

Patrol Baskets: 

Jody Achor is the parent in charge of working with patrols on their Patrol Baskets.  An email will be sent outlining what is needed to make the patrol baskets a success.  Patrol Baskets are a huge success so let’s keep the tradition of excellence going! Please refer to her email if you have any questions. 

Silent Auction Items:

We have a team of parents working together to prepare the Silent Auction.  Barbara Starr is the main contact leading up to the Auction as she has much experience in this arena. Barbara can be reached via email at if you have any questions.

Scouts are encouraged to solicit or donate items to be included in the Silent Auction.  In years past Scouts have been very successful in soliciting donations (gift certificates, goods and services) from local area restaurants, shops and service providers.  Last year we even had artwork donated to auction. The ideas are endless….tickets to sporting events, hotel stays, concerts, music lessons. 

Please find two attachments to this email. The first is the donation request letter.  I would suggest having your son practice his “spiel” prior to entering a business.  Use this letter as a guide to solicit donations.  The second attachment is a donor tax deduction form that you give to the business once they agree to make a donation.  This letter (which is on T648 letterhead and includes the 501(c)3 number) is usually a key factor and often essential when trying to procure donations.  Make several copies of these to hand out.  Last but not least, be sure your Scout wears his clean class A uniform when he plans to solicit donations.

Please be aware that we are not able to accept alcoholic beverage items or tobacco products as auctions items.  It is against BSA policy. 

Auction items will be displayed for silent bidding during the event.  Scouts will receive a percentage of the purchase price for each item they secure or donate.  Funds raised will go directly to their individual Scout accounts. Their Scout account funds can be used to pay for Scout related items such as summer camp, new uniform items they grow out of, camping equipment, etc. 

***New this year – Marketing Display.  In keeping with the spirit of “many hands make for light work,” we are requesting support from all families who secure auction items for help in creating the display.  Each auction item has an 8 x 10 marketing display that fits in a frame and a bid sheet on the table.  We are asking you to create the 8 x 10 marketing display to garner attention and make bidders excited enough to bid on your item.  This display can include photos, menus if for a restaurant, logos, ticket details, be on color paper or anything you come up with to make an eye-catching marketing display.  It should be on an 8 x 10 paper that can be inserted into the display frame.  You do not have to make bid sheets and these will be printed for you.

As you received your donated items please bring them to the upcoming Scout meetings.  We will gather the items in preparation for the auction by creating bid sheets in advance.    


Pancake Breakfast Wish List Items:

If you wish to make a donation to the pancake breakfast the troop would appreciate gift cards to Wal-Mart, Target and Costco.  This will allow the committee to purchase items like plastic ware, paper plates, napkins, etc.  

Our imminent need will be commitments to help set up on the evening prior to the breakfast (Friday, April 24th in the evening) and the morning of Saturday, April 25th. Please ink this into your schedule and look for more emails to come outlining what we may need.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Jody Achor



Court of Honor is just 2 weeks away. I was completed 3 Scoutmaster Conferences and have 1 more this weekend. We will potential need 12-14 adults at the next Troop meeting (2/18/20) for the 3-4 Boards of Review that will need to take place prior to the COH. All available Adults are asked to be at the next meeting so we have enough people around for the Scouts’ Rank Advancement Boards. Thank you in advance. See you all next week.

Scoutmaster Troop 648

This Weekend’s Aquatics Rank Advancement Session

A quick reminder that I have 2 Scouts signed up for the Swim/Aquatics rank advancement session at my home this weekend – 2/15/20. The time has been pushed to 1:00PM. I need a final yes by Friday. I would also like a couple of senior Scouts and a couple of adults to help supervise. Please respond to me directly at

Mr Blair

This Weekend’s Orienteering Course

Troop 648,

Thanks to Isaac and Mr Carson, we will be having an Orienteering course this Saturday – 2/8/2020 at 10:00. It should last 2-3 hours. The group will gather near the usual meeting room area. Please let Mr Carson know if you plan to be there, so that he can start on time once everyone gets there. His e-mail is:

Orienteering Course @ CCC Feb. 8th 10:00 AM

This Saturday, from 10 AM to 12 AM, we will have an opportunity to go over First Class Rank Requirement 4a, which is stated below:

“Using a map and compass, complete an orienteering course that covers at least one mile and requires measuring the height and/or width of designated items (tree, tower, canyon, ditch, etc.).”

This is open to all scouts that want to get this done as a group. You can also request to do this on your own at a later time. The course takes at least an hour to complete. We’ll meet near where we hold our meetings at 10:00 AM. Please read the navigation portion of your Boy Scout Handbook if you haven’t already.

Bring your compass and a pencil.

This month’s ski trip

Hello Troop 648
It is shaping up to be another great trip to the mountains for some fun on the slopes!
The following will provide details.

ï‚· We will meet, load up and leave from Chaparral Christian Church, back near the
shed. Please plan on arriving at 5:00pm with the expectation of leaving at 5:30pm
sharp. If this will be a challenge for you, please let me know.
ï‚· We are heading back to Sunrise in the Greer/Pinetop area this year. They have great
snow conditions with a 46 in base depth. Currently, 6 of 6 lifts are operating and 67
trails are open.
ï‚· We have secured the same cabin as last year for our accommodations!
ï‚· I need to know if your Scout is going.
ï‚· I need to know if your Scout is skiing or snowboarding.
ï‚· I need to know if your Scout is renting equipment or not (see below for more info).
ï‚· I need to know if your Scout needs a lesson (full day or half day). If this is your
Scout’s first time skiing/snowboarding, it’s required. If they have been a few times,
they may consider a lesson in the morning as a refresher.
ï‚· I need to know same info for any adult going. Yes, adults are welcome!!!
ï‚· We have again made arrangements with Ski Pro for equipment rentals. If you are
o You must go to Ski Pro to get fitted – their address is 2110 E. Camelback Road
– just west of 24th street on the north side of Camelback. This location only.
o Rental will be discounted by 20%, so be sure to pay when you are fitted.
o While they do rent clothes, they DO NOT RENT HELMETS. Helmets are
required per BSA policy. Your Scout will NOT BE ABLE TO SKI/SNOWBOARD
if they don’t have a helmet.  When we assemble in the parking lot, we will do a
helmet count. If you have an extra helmet and are willing to lend it to a fellow
Scout, please let me know. If you don’t have one, try a friend, find something
online, use a bike helmet or wrap your head in bubble wrap (kidding).
o If you are renting, please secure your rentals by the end of day, Saturday, Feb
16th. You can go anytime and I suggest you go sooner rather than later to make
sure you can get the equipment you want.
o If you rent, please be sure to tell Ski Pro you are with BSA Troop 648. Justin is
the rental leader and will know about our group. They will aggregate all our
rentals under one account. Then please tell me what you have rented and your
contract # so we know what to pick up.
o Andy Gay has graciously offered to pick up all the equipment on Friday, Feb
21st and will also drop off all the equipment on Sunday, Feb 23rd in the
afternoon by 4pm.  For the rest of you…no extra work as we will take care of
the pick-up and drop off for you!

o We rent in PHX because it saves us A LOT of time and headaches, so thanks for
ï‚· Also, please let me know if you are willing to drive (including how many seat belts
you have) and if you or your Scout have any dietary restrictions. Remember, adults
are welcome! Even encouraged to join us! Cabin, hot showers, a bed!
ï‚· Your Scout should plan on bringing money or pack a dinner for Friday night. We
will stop off for dinner on the way up.
ï‚· We will eat all meals as a troop. Therefore, Sat breakfast, lunch and dinner and
Sunday breakfast will be provided. Total cost will depend on total number of
attendees. We will also have gas fees.
 Mr. Parizek will once again be serving his ‘Best Mountain Lunch’ in the parking lot
at noon. Winner of the ‘Best of’ award 13 years running!  Thanks Mr. P! Ryan B will
be assisting him. Thanks Ryan!
ï‚· Total fees for the trip are still to be determined, but are estimated to be:
o Dinner Friday night = $8-$10 (at your discretion)
o NEW THIS YEAR: If you can, please secure your Scout (your) lift ticket and
lessons (if needed) ahead of time. This will save time when we arrive Saturday
morning. You can secure your lift ticket and lessons at to purchase lift tickets (13-17) $61, (18-
24) $70 and (25-64) $74. If anyone knows of another place to purchase tickets
for less, please let me know asap. You can also purchase your lessons on the
website in advance as well, so please do so. And if you do, please let me know
so we are not double paying. Your Scout can use his Scout funds if you’d like,
just let me know.
o Rentals $20 (for skis, snowboards are a bit more)
o Sat+Sunday meals = $20-$40
o Cabin = $50-$80, depending on number of attendees
o Gas = $8-$10, depending again on number of attendees
o We will work hard to keep costs as low as we can
ï‚· Everyone will need a sleeping bag and sleeping pad as well as a towel, soap and
shampoo. We will have the opportunity to clean up after skiing. Also, don’t forgot
your winter gear for the mountain.
ï‚· Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen!  Please bring plenty as the weather is looking to
be clear and sunny. NO SUNBURNS ALLOWED!
This is great trip, don’t miss out!
P.S. – Please let Ian or Mrs Achor know if you will be skiing or snowboarding