Upcoming Service Hour Opportunities

Troop 648

There are a couple of Service Hour opportunities that would satisfy certain Eagle required Merit Badges, or help for Rank Advancement.

The first is assisting Mr Butler at the Heard Museum helping to sort and organize books and Scouting gear. They are looking for 6-7 Scouts for about 3 hours. Free pizza at the end of the job is promised. Let me know if you’re interested. The date is TBD

The second is a Colour Guard needed at a retirement facility in North Scottsdale on 5/27/19 at 11 AM. Looking for 3-4 Scouts, but more are welcomed. Also looking for a horn player to play Taps during the ceremony. Let me know if you’re interested

Mr Blair
Troop 648 Scoutmaster

Tomorrow’s Troop Meeting 4/9

Just a reminder that we will not be in The Forum (Usual meeting room) tomorrow. Instead we will start in the Choir room, and do a flag ceremony with the Weeblos of Pack 647, and then if needed head to the Teen Activity room. See everyone tomorrow.

Mr Blair

Troop 648 Scoutmaster

Tomorrow’s Troop Activity Meeting

Hello everyone. Just a friendly reminder that there will be a Troop Activity Meeting tomorrow at 6PM. Our usual meeting room will be occupied, so I would like to have the meeting in the Conference room where we usually hold the Troop Committee Meeting (“Parents’ Meeting) at the North end of the Campus. Last meeting before the big Pancake Breakfast. See everyone there.

Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction

Hello Troop 648!

The Annual Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction is quickly approaching. Have you been collecting items for the silent auction? Please reply to Mrs. Starr with a list of items you have collected (email below). I will be at the meeting tomorrow night so please plan to bring the items you have so far to the meeting along with a completed donation form.

The number of items in the silent auction is completely up to how many items Scouts and their families collect. And remember, a portion of the winning bid amount for each item you put in the silent auction will go into your Scout’s Troop account to help cover Scout-related items such as summer camp, monthly outings, camping equipment, uniforms and more.

The deadline to submit auction items is Tuesday, April 23. No items will be accepted after this date to allow time to prepare the auction display. Please do not wait until the last minute to solicit and turn in items.

To recap, please email Mrs. Starr with a list of items you’ve collected so far and bring items with a completed donation form to the meeting tomorrow night. And keep collecting items until April 23. Thank you for your help!




This Week’s PLC Meeting

It’s the first of the Month again. time for another riveting and exciting PLC meeting – Who will show (to this mandatory Leader’s Meeting). Every Patrol Leader needs to make sure that their Patrol is represented at the meeting. Same time – 6:00 PM, and same place – The forum (usual scout meeting room). See you then.

Mr Blair

Troop 648 Scoutmaster

Follow Up on Michael McFetters’ Eagle Project

Michael recently dropped off the gear he and everyone worked so hard on for his Eagle Project for Soldier’s Best Friend. I would like to share with you the Thank you note from the director of the

Good morning Michael,
Your project will definitely help our veteran/dog teams! The equipment you have provided for them to use will help them work on their confidence as a team, focus on cues and skill building. Plus, it is just plain fun! The heavy duty shelving units for our Tuff Shed are greatly appreciated, too. They will help keep our supplies and equipment organized and neat. 
I should also mention that we just started a pilot program for graduate training. One of the classes we are offering will primarily use agility equipment. Your timing is perfect. The trainer and teams in that class will greatly appreciate the new equipment.
From the photos you sent, it looks like you had fun building it, and had a great team of people helping you. Please thank your Boy Scout Troop and anyone else who may have helped you with your project for me. 
You should be very proud of the funding you raised for your project. The money you did not use, and have given to SBF, will be put to very good use. It will help provide training, veterinary care, and training equipment for some of our in-training teams. 
Thank you so much for your perseverance and dedication to this project. I hope you know that your hard work is going to help change many lives for the better, both human and canine. Job well done!
With sincere gratitude,
Brenda Meir | Executive Director | Soldier’s Best FriendPh: 623.218.648614505 N. 75th Ave.Peoria, AZ 85381

Upcoming Merit Badges

Here are some of the links to our upcoming Merit Badge Clinics (all of these will fill up fast!):

https://scoutingevent.com/010-2019InsectStudyMB (Insect Study Merit Badge – Multiple Days) – Butterfly Wonderland

https://scoutingevent.com/010-2019MammalStudyMB (Mammal Study Merit Badge – Multiple Days) – Odysea Aquarium

https://scoutingevent.com/010-2019FlyFishing (Fly Fishing Merit Badge) – March 30th)

https://scoutingevent.com/010-flyfishingmb2 (Fly Fishing Merit Badge) – March 31st)

https://scoutingevent.com/010-2019AprilOceanographyMB (Oceanography Merit Badge) – April 13th) – SEALIFE Arizona

https://scoutingevent.com/010-2019MayOceanographyMB (Oceanography Merit Badge) – May 11th) – SEALIFE Arizona

https://scoutingevent.com/010-2019FallNuclearScienceMB (Nuclear Science Merit Badge) – September 14th) – APS

https://scoutingevent.com/010-2019smw (5 Merit Badges) – September 21st)

https://scoutingevent.com/010-midwesternmb (Dentistry, Medicine or Vet Medicine) – September 28th)

https://scoutingevent.com/010-septplumbingmb (Plumbing Merit Badge) – September 29th) – PIPE and UA Local 469

https://scoutingevent.com/010-citizenshipinthenation (Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge) – October 12th)

*SAVE THE DATE* Ashley Furniture HomeStore Merit Badge Day (At least 8) – October 26th at the Tempe Location

*SAVE THE DATE* Grand Canyon Council BIG Merit Badge Expo – November 1st-3rd at the Heard Scout Pueblo Scout Camp (At least 50 Merit Badges)

Michael McFetters’ Eagle Project

Hello Troop 648,

Thank you for your support on my recent Eagle Scout project! It was awesome to have 36 people help build dog agility equipment for Soldier’s Best Friend. It’s a fantastic organization and I’m excited we were able to get so much accomplished. The equipment will help veteran and dog teams train together to strengthen skills and build bonds. Thanks again for all your help! 
With gratitude,

Michael McFetters

This Week’s Troop Activity Meeting

This is just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is our monthly Troop Activity Meeting. This meeting is for Adult Leaders that are involved in organizing any recent or upcoming events. The main players that should be there this week is anyone involved in planning the ski trip last month, anyone involved in planning this month’s outing, anyone involved in planning next month’s outing, and anyone involved in the upcoming Pancake Breakfast. Obviously all adult leaders are welcomed – See everyone tomorrow at 6:00 at The Forum

Mr Blair
Troop 648 Scoutmaster

All Merit Badge Counselors must keep you’re their youth protection training up to date. Any counselor who did not retake youth protection training after 2/1/2018 will not be reregistered when we reregister merit badge counselors at the end of April 2019.

Also note that starting in April 2020, all merit badge counselors must also be trained as a merit badge counselor to be reregistered. That training is online at http://my.scouting.org To take it, log in, click on the BSA Learn Center icon on the right; click on Program; click on Scouts BSA.

To see if we see you as trained, go to the current MBC listing here: https://www.grandcanyonbsa.org/meritbadgecounseling PW is GCCMBC2018

For more information on training, see our council training page here: https://www.grandcanyonbsa.org/training