This week’s Troop Activity Committee Meeting (7/9)

Just a friendly reminder that there is a TAC meeting this Tuesday at 6:00 at CCC. All adults that have been involved in recent outings and those for upcoming events/outings are encouraged to attend. Thank you.

Scoutmaster Troop 648

Tomorrow’s PLC Meeting (1/2/19)

I know everyone is still on a Camping high from Geronimo, but I hope you’ve rested up this past weekend to be ready for the PLC Meeting and Troop Meeting this week. The PLC Meeting will be at 6:00PM at the Teen Center on CCC campus. Lead by your fearless leader SPL Ian Achor, and supported by your “officially trained” ASM Dr Jon Komar. Troop meeting will be relight after at 7:00 PM. Have a great week and a wonderful 4th of July and I’ll see everyone next week.

Mr Blair

Scoutmaster Troop 648

Tomorrow Night’s COH

Troop 648,
A friendly reminder that tomorrow is our Summer Court Of Honor. Let’s show up in big numbers to support and congratulate all the Scouts who have worked so hard to receive these Merit Badges and Rank Advancements.

Please have a couple volunteers available to help to set up around 6:30. I will be there around 6:00 to set up.Thanks

Mar Blair
Troop 648 Scoutmaster

This Week’s Troop Activity Committee Meeting

Just a friendly reminder that this week’s TAC meeting will be at 6 PM at the new Troop Meeting room (Teen Activity Room). Lots to discuss as the Scouts head out to Summer Camp in a couple weeks

Also, this Tuesday is the week before COH. A lot of requests for Boards if Review coming up. If you’re available please plan on attending the meeting to help facilitate the advancement and Merit Badge requests. Thanks in advance

Mr Blair

Willow Springs Lake Canoe Outing

This last weekend, 11 scouts in our troop headed up to the rim to beat the heat (well… usually we’d have to beat the heat). Our destination was Willow Springs Lake for a canoe outing.

We found a nice spot off the Old Rim Road on Friday night. Camp was setup fairly quick. Some of our older and “wiser” scouts decided to see if it would really be cold at night in hammocks.

On Saturday, after a breakfast of bacon and eggs for our troops, we headed to the lake. Canoes were taken off the trailer and off everyone went.

Let’s get ready to paddle!

The wind was blowing a bit, so most of us headed up wind to have an easier paddle back. Some of us went exploring a peninsula, some of us found a geocache across the lake and some of us tried to combine fishing and canoeing with no success, unfortunately. We regrouped a bit after noon and refueled on sandwiches.

Coming in for Lunch
Quick group photo during the lunch break

A vote was taken and we decided to head back out to the water. Some of our group decided that they were going to brave the chilly waters and have some fun jumping off the rocks. Hard to believe but we have video evidence. The adults would have jumped in as well but someone had to supervise.

After a bit, it was decided that we’d head back to camp. A few of the scouts made the short trip to the edge of the rim before dinner.

Look at that view!

After dinner, we had a nice warm fire where we enjoyed for the most part just staring into the fire and relaxing.

Nice start to a nice warm fire.

We want to thank Sean and Eric, our youth leaders, who ran such a great outing. We’ll definitely be back again in the not to distant future.

This Week’s PLC Meeting

Just a friendly reminder that this week’s PLC meeting will be held at 6:00PM at our new meeting room (Teen activity Center). Dr Komar will be filling in for me, and our new SPL Ian will be leading the meeting. PL’s – Make sure your Patrol is represented if you are unable to attend. Have a good week, and I’ll see everyone next week.

Mr Blair

Scoutmaster Troop 648

Mining in Society MB Clinic in America’s Largest Copper Mine

I wanted to reach out to you regarding the Mining in Society Merit badge clinic hosted by Freeport-McMoran in Morenci, AZ on Friday, May 31st. Mining is one of the most important industries within Arizona, with Copper being one of the Five Cs of Arizona! It just so happens that Morenci hosts the largest copper mine in the United States!

As Freeport-McMoran does not provide tours to the public, this is a rare opportunity available only to our Scouts and leaders. Scouts will be able to tour a working mine, get up close with the equipment, and receive instruction from experts in the field. Workshops within the clinic include mineral identification, map reading, safety, reclamation, careers in mining, and the future of mining: space and oceans.

The clinic will begin at the Morenci High School at 8:30AM. Lunch is provided, and the cost for Scouts is only $15. Adult registrants are free, and they ask that there are 1-2 adults per unit as chaperones.

This is a unique occasion to tour America’s largest copper mine, so I hope any interested Scouts can participate. Please share this with your scouts and their parents; I hope a few of them will take on this adventure and kick off their summer with exploring merit badges and mines!

I understand that Morenci is a bit of a hike from most of the state, but opportunities to tour America’s largest copper mine and earn a merit badge don’t come along often!

If any of your Scouts would like to participate, please register at:

If you have interested Scouts, please do not miss out by waiting! Registration will close the morning of Tuesday, May 28th so that final preparations can be put in place before Friday’s clinic. Freeport-McMoRan is hoping to have a minimum of 21 youth, and currently 7 are registered. If the clinic does not meet the minimum, we will reach out to registrants on Tuesday to inform them and offer refunds

This month’s Camp Outing at Willow Springs

Troop 648 Adult leaders and Parents,

We are still looking for at least one more parent/ adult leader for the upcoming outing in Willow Springs. We currently have 2 adults going, and with the number of Scouts that have RSVP’d it would be nice to have at least 1 more. Please let Andy Gay or myself know as soon as possible.

Mr Blair

Memorial Day Flag Ceremony

Troop 648,

This Monday 5/27/19 at 10:30 there is a great opportunity to show our community how much we appreciate there support and commitment to Scouting. We have been asked to be the Color Guard for a Memorial Day Ceremony at a Retirement Community in North Scottsdale. Currently we only have one Scout signed up and we need at least 2 -3 more. Please consider this as not only a way to show your patriotism and Troop pride, but to support your community. The details are below. Please contact me as soon as possible so that I can make sure we have enough Scouts to support the event.

The troop participants will arrive at 10:30AM, to go over the area – it can also be a little confusing once you drive in to find the front entrance. You will be met at the front reception desk at 10:30AM by the contact person, Sharon Rose.  

Your troop will bring:
American Flag, Posts

Our address:
Maravilla Scottsdale
7325 E. Princess Blvd.

Scottsdale, AZ 85255

When you enter the gates, before you enter the courtyard with the fountain, take your first right turn, and park anywhere along that side in the parking spaces. The main entrance is in the courtyard with the fountain through the black iron gates.


10:30AM         Start music on the PA system

10:45AM         Doors Open

11:00AM         Welcome/Introduction (Bob Bailey) – hand mic to troop if needed

Presenting the colors + announce playing of taps (Troop)

Taps (Guest Bugler)
National Anthem (Khani Cole)
Pledge of Allegiance (lead by resident)

Troop will post the colors

11:15AM         Keynote Speaker introduction (Bob Bailey)

Keynote Speaker: Col. Philip Smith

11:40AM         God Bless America (Khani Cole)

America The Beautiful (Khani Cole)
Announce Taps & the retreat of the colors (Bob Bailey)

Taps (Guest Bugler) 
Retreat the colors (Troop)
Close ceremony (Bob Bailey)

12:00PM          Ceremony ends. Crowd disperses to Ironwood Grille for lunch. All participants are invited to lunch after the Ceremony.

Mr Blair

Troop 648 Scoutmaster

This weekend’s Flag Placement

Troop 648,

Calling all Patriotic Scouts and families. Troop 648 is planning to meet at the National Cemetery on Pinnacle Peak Rd to participate in the Flag Placement on all the grave sites of the brave men and women who have fought for our freedoms and are buried in the cemetery. Some of these heroes were killed in action and gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. We should be honored to be able to participate in this event. There will be a sign up in Scoutbook in the next day or two. Here are the details:

What: Flag Placement Event
When: 5/25/19 (Saturday)
Location:  National Memorial Cemetery of AZ
        Corner of N Cave Creek Rd and E Pinnacle Peak Rd
Time:  Meet at the stage area at 6:30

Recommend getting there a little earlier and parking outside the Cemetery’s main entrance in Pinnacle Peak, and walking in to the meeting point. 
Should last until about 8:45
Contact Mr Blair or Mrs DeBarros for more information

Mr Blair

Troop 648 Scoutmaster