Sean Hart’s Upcoming Eagle Project – 6/13/20

GREAT NEWS EVERYONE!!!!!! Baring a meteor crashing to the earth and causing the next worldwide crisis, Sean’s Eagle Project will not be postponed again (insert applause here). Sean is very excited and will continue to take the amount of precautions and social distancing guidelines to complete his outdoor project. The information is on Scoutbook. Please sign up as soon as possible, so Sean can manage how many volunteers he’ll have. If you don’t have access to Scoutbook, please e-mail directly so I can let Sean know that you are planning to attend. Here is some additional information that Sean wanted to pass to the volunteers:

The project is from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. MST. Scouts are required to bring: – Yard gloves- Work goggles- Protective mask- Work shoes- Jeans- Sun protection (Including hats)- Individual water bottles. Scouts are encouraged to bring:(please RSVP to bring any of these materials by emailing your name, rank, and tool interested in bringing.)- Scissor hedge trimmers- Open scoop shovels- Garden rakes- Leaf rakes. Scouts are not required to bring any of the 4 tools above, they are just requested items.

Mr Blair

Troop 648 Scoutmaster