Merit Badge Counselors Needed

Calling all Troop 648 talented and generous parents and leaders. This is Arjun Blair’s Dad Mark. I’m the Troop Merit Badge Coordinator. Merit badges have been an integral part of the Scouting program for over 100 years. Merit badges exist to encourage Scouts to explore areas that interest them and to teach them valuable skills in Scoutcraft.[4]The award of merit badges sometimes leads to careers and lifelong hobbies. The badge itself, being given in front of the troop as a sign of accomplishment and success, is an important part to stimulating the interest of the Scout in Scouting and instill the values of Scouting on the road to Eagle. It all begins with a Scout’s initial interest and effort in a merit badge subject, followed by a discussion with the unit leader or designated assistant, continues through meetings with a counselor, and culminates in advancement and recognition. It is an uncomplicated process that gives a Scout the confidence achieved through overcoming obstacles. Social skills improve. Self-reliance develops. Self-confidence evolves. Examples are set and followed. And fields of study and interest are explored beyond the limits of the school classroom.




I would like to take this time to ask all the current Merit Badge (MB) Counselors to re-register with the district, and the Troop. We currently have only a few parents/adult leaders officially registered as Merit Badge Counselors for the Troop (Myself, Jacob Benyi, Jon Komar and Mike Conrad). I will attach the forms required to officially register. Return these forms to me so that I can turn them in directly to the district. This includes everyone not on the above list. I would also like to encourage all parents to look at the Merit Badge list and choose at least 1-2 Badges that they have knowledge of or interest in. You can choose more if you desire, but if just starting out, try 1-2 to get started. Our goal is to have 100% parent participation. This will continue to show the Scouts how committed we all our to their, and the Troop’s, success. We would like to try to cover all of the Eagle required Badges, and have more than one counselor as back up for each (list of available MB’s attached).


Registering is fairly easy (AND IT’S FREE!!!!)… Each person just needs to complete an adult application. (attached) For the position code put “42” and write Merit Badge Counselor. A MB counselor is a registrant of the District, not the troop… So, it is not necessary for the Committee Chair and COR to sign these apps. They just need to be signed by the applicant, and then turned into Council (turn in to me and I’ll get them to Council). For those of us who are already registered Scouters, it is helpful to put our BSA ID on the application. This will make sure that we are properly linked to our existing account.


When it comes to the actual materials to turn in, we just need the adult application with disclosure page, a copy of our YPT (Youth Protection Training) completion certificate and the MB registration form (attached). Note that each person has the ability (on this form) to specify if they want to work with everyone, or just a particular unit. If someone signs up to be a counselor for something, and does not restrict themselves to T648 only, then they will be on the master District list, and they will potentially get contacted by scouts from across the district. For some of you, that may be perfectly fine, and to others, you may just want to be involved with our Troop exclusively.  There is no right answer to that decision. It is an individual decision that everyone can make for themselves. I will confirm with everyone when paperwork is turned in what their wishes are.


This should only have to be done once for MB Counselors. The YPT needs to be recertified every 2 years, but is very straight forward and completed at your leisure on-line at the link above.


Once complete you can e-mail the documents to me or hand them in to me at an upcoming meeting. Please contact me if you have any questions. My e-mail is


Sorry for the long e-mail, and thanks in advance for all of your help.



BSA Adult Application

List of Merit Badges

MB Counselor Application

MB Counselor Orientaion