Hello Troop 648
(From Cullen)
On Saturday, May 7th at 7:00am, we will be conducting an Eagle Service Project for the Mayday Pit Bull Rescue & Advocacy in Phoenix. Mayday Pit Bull Rescue is dedicated to saving Pit Bulls and Pit mixes with medical and/or behavioral issues, as well as those who survived abuse in the past. Mayday provides them with the medical attention they need to recover or live as close to a normal life as possible and also invests in training to help these dogs overcome behavioral issues inflicted on them by fighting rings, hoarders or abusive owners.
The project will consist of the construction of a shade structure for the pit bulls in rehabilitation. This project is critical for completion as we roll into the hot summer months where temperatures can reach well into 120 degrees and pose major health concerns for the dogs in recovery.
If you are able to attend, please RSVP (to either the email or phone # below) so we can acquire a headcount, as well as begin forming work crews. If you plan to attend and can help by bringing tools (pick axes, shovels, drills, hand saws, wheelbarrow) and/or need a ride, let me know.
Thank you,
Cullen Traynor
H: 480-621-7366
Email: cullen.tray@yahoo.com