Summer Camp 2014 is Underway!

Hello Troop 648 Family!

The scouts and scouters of Troop 648 departed (early!) yesterday from Blessed Sacrament on a heading for Camp Geronimo!  Yesterday and today will see the scouts getting settled in with their tent mates, swim checks, camp tour and other activities as they prepare for the start of their programs Monday morning.  The weather looks enviable and ‘fun’ is the primary item on their agenda.

I am heading to camp on Wednesday, leaving Scottsdale around 1:00pm.  If you would like me to deliver anything to your scout (or scouter), please drop it off at our house anytime between now and Weds 1:00pm.  Please call or send me a quick email if you will be sending something.

Have a great week and know your scout is having an awesome time!

Yours in Scouting,

Mr. McFetters

(602) 793-1058

6550 E. Clinton (corner of Clinton and 66th Street, one block north of Shea)