Good evening,
Many of you have completed your fall breaks, and are back at school. Others of you are just beginning the freedom of a week without daily math homework. Either way, we rarely take a break from scouting! We’ll see you tomorrow night for the troop meeting!
Tomorrow is the cut-off for aligning on your method of completing your dues, and continuing with the amazing calendar the Patrol Leader’s Council compiled for 2013. If you are a scout or a scouter who has not made arrangements with Mrs. Traynor, tomorrow night is the night! We will be completing the recharter paperwork for T648 this month, so if you have a check, please bring it on Tuesday. If you are planning to use scout account funds to make your payment, please let Mr. Cole or Mrs. Traynor know no later than the troop meeting.
Calling all Charles Dickens wannabees! We are looking to begin the troop newsletter, and we need submissions. Each ASPL has content that the troop needs to know every month – upcoming fundraising, service projects, outings. The scribe can contribute details of upcoming meetings for next month. The historian can ask for submissions, or describe the photos which have been recently added to the photo gallery. The librarian can submit requests for merit badge books that are needed, or describe the process for checkout. The SPL can provide an overall troop update, or the quartermaster describe what he needs from each patrol in the way of cleanup, shed organization, or ask for equipment needs from the patrols. The chaplain could have a blessing or reading for the month. Scouts could submit jokes or puzzles. Adult leaders can advertise upcoming merit badges, or provide insight on educational opportunities. There are a ton of ways that we all can get involved – let’s make this a fun new way to update and educate the troop.
Double your fun – the weekend of October 26-28 we will be doubly busy as a troop. The Honor Patrol will be attending their award trip to Disneyland. However, the alternative offering is an exceptional backpacking opportunity up by Crown King on the Algonquin trail. This is an ideal time of year to be out exploring Arizona (or California Adventure!). I hope that if you do not have a school activity that weekend that you are able to attend one or the other. Some parts of the country will be under snow – enjoy our magnificent southwest weather!
Please also mark November 3rd on your calendar. We have a terrific service project with Streets of Destiny in south Phoenix. Young Mr. McFetters is developing an excellent Eagle Project, and we will have need of a large contingent to handle the wide variety of things he has planned for the morning. If you have yet to attend an Eagle Project, this would be an excellent one upon which to become experienced.
One final calendar update – we have changed Webelos weekend from January 25th-27th to the weekend of January 11-13th due to facility scheduling issues. The PLC has determined that we will utilize December troop meetings to prepare (as we will have no troop meetings during the holiday this year, as Tuesdays fall on 12/25/12 and 1/1/13).
See you for scouting tomorrow night – food safety and first aid basics are planned to be on deck.
Mr. Cole