Lara Eagle Project – 9/24/11

E. Lara’s Eagle Project


When: Saturday September 24, 2011 from 6AM-Noon

Where: Pioneer Arizona Living History Village –

(3901 Pioneer Road, Phoenix, AZ 85086)

*Follow the 17 North on Black Canyon Fwy.

Take the exit that is W. Pioneer Rd. It is the exit right after Carefree Hwy.*

Who: You, and as many friends or family members as you want.

What to bring: Work gloves, Closed toed shoes, Pruners, Wheelbarrows, Shovels, Rakes,

(These are highly needed).

About: The project will consist of moving river rock to various locations to enhance the

appearance of the area.  We will also be clearing some debris from previous construction work.


-Breakfast, Lunch, and refreshments will be provided.

-Bottled water will also be provided.

-It’s about a 30 min drive from the church so please be on time!