Good afternoon,
The troop garage sale held yesterday – hosted by the unbelievably patient and sale-savvy McFetters family – was a complete success! A large amount of treasure, and a few questionable items (5 1/4 inch floppy disks??) were assembled Friday night by an intrepid band of initial stagers and pricers.  Our top gun sales youth congregated in two exceptional shifts on Saturday morning, resulting in $1,003.71 in total net earnings. Every bit of that will be distributed into each scout’s account who worked a part of at least one shift, and the per hour rate will be $16.12. Try getting that at a McDonalds or Safeway job! The money earned will be available to the scout for scouting related activities or events, such as registration, ski trip or summer camp.
Many thanks to the McFetters for the bravery to launch and execute this effort, and to each family who contributed items, labor or both. We couldn’t have done it without you!
See you Tuesday night!
Mr. Cole