Summer Camp – 2010

Greetings to all!

Summer Camp is sneaking up on us again! This year, we will be going to Camp Geronimo, JUNE 12-19. This earlier than usual time slot was selected in order to allow those scouts attending the National Jamboree in July to also be able to attend Geronimo, if they wish to do so. The total cost for Camp this year will be $370/scout. I will be providing much more information about camp in the coming weeks, but here are a few key dates:

Deposit Due: $100 – February 2, 2010
Payment 2 Due: $135 – March 2, 2010
Payment 3 Due: $135 – May 4, 2010

Merit Badges: Mr. Butler will lead our usual orientation/Merit Badge discussion meeting in either late February or early March. Please stay tuned for that.

Health Forms: Please note also that beginning this year, the new BSA Annual Health and Medical form must be completed by all scouts and adults. The new form must be prepared annually, so no forms from previous years will be accepted. (It is necessary to complete all of Parts A, B, and C.)

We would like to start compiling a head count ASAP of those boys who are planning to attend. Mr. Cole will assist me with this process over the next few weeks during the troop meetings. Please let him know if you are planning to attend or NOT attend. I anticipate another fantastic week at summer camp this year, and hope that everyone will plan to join us for a great week at Camp Geronimo!


Mr. Benyi