Just as a reminder, for those of you who are attending the PLC Retreat this weekend, please show up prepared to share your ideas.  I am anticipating a great planning weekend. The uniform of the evening for the Saturday’s dinner is “business casual”. No tie required. Should one forget; it’s cold, left over lunch pizza. All adult leaders are encouraged to attend the planning sessions. Even if you only have a few minutes to spare this weekend, I would encourage you to drop by.
Next Tuesday evening, the 19th, is the Troop Court of Honor. Mrs. Lara is coordinating the Pot Luck dinner which will begin at 1800, that’s 6:00 pm.  The formal portion of the evening will begin at 7:00 pm. The boys’ have earned numerous merit badges and there has been significant advancement.  Much to be proud of.   I would encourage all who are associated with our troop to attend and help me recognize and congratulate all our Scouts who have worked very diligently these past months. Thank you in advance for attending.
I look forward to seeing most of you this weekend. Thanks……..Mr. Martin